Sunday, February 2, 2020



OPR 到底 什么 国家银行于201957日正式宣布隔夜政策利率(Overnight Policy Rate – OPR)下调0.25%,从原本3.25%降至3%





Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The New Revolution of Real Estate Investment

MPV Capitals Ltd., a fully owned subsidiary of MPV (L) Foundation which is incorporated in Labuan, Malaysia, was granted an operating licence to carry on a Credit Token Business under Section 86 of Labuan Financial Services and Securities Act (LFSSA) 2010, by the Labuan Financial Services Authority (LFSA). 

This licence allows MPV Capitals Ltd to issue MPV Tokens in accordance to the value of the pledged properties, and to be freely traded on the registered crypto exchanges around the world. MPV Capitals Ltd partners with other MPV (L) Foundation subsidiaries are allowed to collect funds in exchange of Tokens issued, as well as governing the rights of MPV Token investors. 

This is why MPV claimed to be the World’s Premier Blockchain Digital Asset Backed By Global Real Estate, whose Credit Token Business licensed under LFSA.

Labuan Financial Services Authority (Labuan FSA) was established on 15 February 1996 under the Labuan Financial Services Authority Act 1996. 
Labuan FSA is governed by a board known as the Authority, whose members are appointed by the Minister of Finance. Besides LFSA is the statutory body responsible for the development and administration of the Labuan International Business and Financial Centre (Labuan IBFC).

Labuan FSA’s key role is to license and regulate licensed entities operating within Labuan IBFC and to ensure all such entities remain in compliance with the internal and international best standards adopted by the jurisdiction. Labuan FSA also develops policies for the orderly conduct of business and financial services in Labuan IBFC.

Separately, blockchain technology, which is the enabler for the highly sought-after cryptocurrencies, promises great potential in digitising real estate investment moving forward due to its unique decentralisation, transparent and uncompromised security features. 

MPV brings the best of both worlds to the market by combining real estate investment with blockchain technology, supported by its unique “invest and own” model that revolutionises real estate investment and ownership, reaching out to more potential investors from the onset. 

Each MPV token denotes the fractional ownership of the real estate enlisted on the platform; this means that MPV token holders will not only hold the token’s value in real estate, but will receive dividends derived from income or profit generated from the property under management.

Please visit MPV official website for Compliance & Legal documents at

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Why MPV is Stable Investment?

In order to appreciate “Why MPV is a stable investment” to consumers, like us, we must first understand what “stable investment” means in layman terms …….
To many individuals who have no experience in any financial investment tools, “Investment” might sound like a big word or complicated to work with…. But in simple term… “Investment” is just an action or process of taking out our money to put into a resource or products or services in return for profits.  

i) What kind of actions are needed to make profit from investment?

In an economic sense, an investment is the purchase of goods that are not consumed today but are used in the future to create wealth. At the same time, in financial sense, an investment is considered as a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or will later be sold at a higher price for a profit.
In both the economic and financial sense of investment, there are definite risks involved when we put our money into either purchased of goods or monetary assets.  Hence, it is how much risks are we willing to manage with our investment.
Technically, there are different risks and returns in all financial savings and investments action. In general, we can put ourselves into two categories when comes to Risk Management. Based on economics and finance perspective, the first type of category is Risk Adverse. Risk aversion is the behaviour of humans, who, when exposed to uncertainty, attempt to lower that uncertainty. The other category is Risk Taker. Risk Taking is the behaviour of an individual, who is willing to do things that involve danger or risk in order to achieve an economic or financial goal.

ii) What type of investments to look at in terms of generating profits?
Once we determine the Risk categories we are in - Risk Adverse or Risk Taker. We can explore the four different types of investment with distinct characteristics, risks and benefits to generate profits.  Once we are familiar with the 4 different types of assets investment, we can begin to think about putting together a mix that would fit with our personal circumstances and risk tolerance.

Growth Investments: 

These are more suitable for long term investors that are willing and able to withstand market ups and downs.  Growth investing is a stock-buying strategy that focuses on companies expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to their industry or the market. ... Ultimately, growth investors try to increase their wealth through long- or short-term capital appreciation, and these can come in two forms:-
I) Shares - Shares are considered a growth investment as they can help grow the value of your original investment over the medium to long term. If you own shares, you may also receive income from dividends, which are effectively a portion of a company’s profit paid out to its shareholders. Of course, the value of shares may also fall below the price you pay for them. Prices can be volatile from day to day and shares are generally best suited to long term investors, who are comfortable withstanding these ups and downs.  Also known as equities, shares have historically delivered higher returns than other assets, shares are considered one of the riskiest types of investment.

II) Property - Property is also considered as a growth investment because the price of houses and other properties can rise substantially over a medium to long term period. However, just like shares, property can also fall in value and carries the risk of losses. Unless it has value terms such as “FREEHOLD” Title status. It is possible to invest directly by buying a property but also indirectly, through a property investment fund.

Defensive investments: 

These are more focused on consistently generating income, rather than growth, and are considered lower risk than growth investments.
III) Cash - Cash investments include everyday bank accounts, high interest savings accounts and term deposits. They typically carry the lowest potential returns of all the investment types. While they offer no chance of capital growth, they can deliver regular income and can play an important role in protecting wealth and reducing risk in an investment portfolio.

IV) Fixed interest - The best known type of fixed interest investments are bonds, which are essentially when governments or companies borrow money from investors and pay them a rate of interest in return. Bonds are also considered as a defensive investment, because they generally offer lower potential returns and lower levels of risk than shares or property. They can also be sold relatively quickly, like cash, although it’s important to note that they are not without the risk of capital losses.

Next, we need to establish what it means to be “Stable” like a rock. In general, being “Stable” means firm, solid, secure, strong, not likely to give way or overturn. Hence, to have an investment that is “Stable” means it is firm, solid, secure and strong for investors putting their money in. 

“Why MPV is a Stable Investment”
MPV is a stable investment portfolio means that it is insured to protect the investor against a decline in yield or a loss of capital. The owner of a stable investment will continue to receive the agreed-upon interest payments regardless of the state of the economy.
We all seen above that Property is considered as “GROWTH” Investment. Which means to say, in long term, it will grow in value. Besides that, MPV is considered as “Stable Investment” based on the following success criteria - 
ACCCESSIBILITY –This is critical in terms of communities being able to access into the program, the pricing, the policies governing the program.  In any investment platform that is easily accessible by communities, it is deemed to be stable because the backend support is ready
ASSETS BACKED – In order for any form of investments to be “Stable” the assets must be secured, strong and solid. For MPV, the real asset backed is MPV Freehold Properties.
BLOCKCHAIN “SMART CONTRACT” – This is one of the critical success factor as Stable Investment for MPV. With “Smart Contract” written on Blockchain Technology, it is transparent and immutable on the ledger and legally binding. Anything that is legally binding brings across certainty on the platform.
EXCHANGEABLE FOR PHYSICAL ASSETS - Based on above Blockchain “Smart Contract”, all existing allocated Freehold Property Units are assigned with specific total tokens quantity. Any individuals who has acquired the required specific total tokens quantity, they can immediately exchange for the physical assets. Literally , you shift in with just your luggage. 
LOWER PRICE VOLATILITY – Linking from the above critical success factors for Stable Investment, being in Real Estate industry, the volatility of price movement is at its minimal. This is why its call a GROWTH Investment portfolio.
PRICE TRANSPARENCY – One of the beauties of Blockchain is its transparency.  This is more evident in terms of crypto-currency (MPV TOKEN).  The authorized exchange platforms for MPV is fully authorized and legally functional issued by the country’s government.  Hence, there are no unintentional or ill-motivated actions in terms of pricing in this aspect.

Stability is extremely important for any successful investor. For most people this means living with our means or not spending more than we earn. Many investors like the idea of an investment that doesn't lose value and provides a solid return. Hence, MPV Stable Investment is designed to do exactly that, helping you preserve capital while generating returns that are consistent with what you can get from your investments.  A good investment is one that can make a profit. But not all investments are appropriate for every investor. Depending on what we’re looking for, a good investment comes with:
Easy to buy or sell – MPV focuses on Freehold Property Projects because Freehold Title is Easy to Buy or Sell due to demand.
In demand – Only Freehold Title Deeds commands Demand in the market.  
Predictable outcome or guaranteed return – Investment into Tokenization of MPV gives a guaranteed return of 9% per annum.  This is almost like a Virtual Rental yield for MPV investors.
Lastly, MPV is a “Stable Investment” as it focuses on basic in Real Estate - “location, location, location” which well reflects that indeed a well-situated liveable city real estate is always in demand. As a result, demand for freehold properties do keep prices high and typically pushes them higher over time, so finding an available in-demand property is a good first step. Hence, making MPV a stable investment and do provide a bottom line growth into the future.

written by: Stervey Lim

Monday, December 16, 2019

How Will Blockchain Change Real Estate?


Blockchain technology can be summarized as it consists of three main properties:


All the data that is stored inside a blockchain is not owned by one single entity.


All the data that is stored inside the blockchain can be seen by everyone who is part of the network. Every single piece of data can be traced right to its very origin.


All the data that is inside the blockchain cannot be tampered with because of cryptographic hash functions. 

Based on the above blockchain three main properties, it brings in several utilities into the real estate ecosystem, such as:
i) Smart Contracts
ii) Tokenization


Smart contracts are automated contracts. They are self-executing with specific instructions written on its code which get executed when certain conditions are made. Smart contracts are a series of instructions, written using the programming language “solidity,” which works using the IFTTT logic aka the IF-THIS-THEN-THAT logic. If the first set of instructions are done then execute the next function and after that the next one and keep on repeating until you reach the end of the contract.
Remember that smart contracts are created on a blockchain, which makes the contracts immutable and transparent (unless privacy features are used). Let’s go through the major benefits that smart contracts can offer.

Benefits of smart contracts:

#1 Cut off all the middlemen- Imagine how much money you can save by cutting out all the brokers, banks, and lawyers. With them not collecting their standard 2-5% cuts, you will be saving up a small fortune.
#2 Speed up real estate transactions- Real estate transactions can take months on complete, and that is mainly because of the vast amount of bureaucracy, middlemen, and lack of transparency that you need to go through. 
#3 Various data can be saved as a hash file within the blockchain -If you are interested in knowing more about a particular property, you can exploit the blockchain’s transparency to trace all the information you need. Imagine how much time that will save as opposed to the more traditional middle-man approach.
#4 - Protect owners from property fraud. It is possible to link the digital ownership of your property, documents, and contracts directly to the blockchain. Once inside the blockchain, it is impossible for it to be tampered with or altered.


In simple terms, “Tokens” and “Coins” are similar in Crypto-currency as both are used to define a unit of blockchain value. However, the difference is that “Tokens” are built and hosted on existing blockchains, it is a digital representation of a real-world asset, value, or function. 
While “Coins” are more unique in digital currencies which are based on their own, standalone blockchains. And one of the most exciting use-cases of blockchain technology in today’s present is that it helps in the tokenization of real-world assets, especially in Real Estate. Tokenization will not only increase the liquidity of traditionally illiquid assets, but it will also make it possible to trade those assets without a third-party. 
Think about it, instead of buying a property, you are buying simple tokens from an exchange. Does this seem a little too far-fetched to you? Well, according to the World Economic Forum, in the next ten years, 10% of the world’s GDP will be stored in crypto assets. That’s $10 trillion worth of assets stored as tokens.
We can define “Tokens” under the three main categories:

Payment Coins:

These are the “cryptocurrencies” that we are all familiar with. Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, etc. can be used as currency both inside and outside their platform.

Utility Tokens:

Tokens which fulfill a particular utility or function in their platforms are called utility tokens. Utility tokens can give holders a right to use the network and/or take advantage of the network by voting within the ecosystem. 

Security Tokens: 

A token which derives its values from an external, tradeable asset is called a security token. These are subject to federal securities and regulations. This is the category which will be used to tokenize Real-Estate Industry.


One of the most interesting outcomes of tokenization is fractional ownership. This is especially intriguing when it comes to expensive assets like real-estate. Instead of one person owning one property, it can be possible for multiple people to buy tokens of the property and co-own the building.

Fractional ownership is a method in which several unrelated parties can share in, and mitigate the risk of, ownership of a high-value tangible asset, usually a jet, yacht or piece of resort real estate. It can be done for strictly monetary reasons, but typically there is some amount of personal access involved.

Advantages of tokenizing real estate are:

  1. Fractional Ownership decreases barriers to entry by a staggering amount. 
  2. Real estate doesn’t need to be the playground for the rich anymore. Instead of saving up and taking loans to buy one expensive asset, you can simply buy one-fifth of that asset. 
  3. Smart contract will make sure that the joint owners adhere to honest conduct.
  4. Tokenization increases liquidity by a considerable margin. Instead of waiting forever to sell your property, you can go to an exchange and liquidate your tokens.
  5. It allows for greater portfolio diversification and risk reduction. Instead of locking up all your money in one single property, you can use the same money to buy fractions in multiple properties.

How Will Blockchain Change Real Estate?

The blockchain technology will allow for the democratization of real estate properties. It will open up the gates for potential investors from across the world to try their hand in real-estate investment. If executed properly, then this can be hugely beneficial for the crypto-space as well, because it will increase the real-life utility of tokens. 
The scary part is that we have just scratched the surface of what could be possible via the marriage of blockchain and real-estate. Hopefully, we will see more exciting use-cases soon. 
Do you know that we are already in the Future of Real Estate Business?...... 
Before long, across the globe, vacation rental houses, high demanded parking lot space, and even dream homes will be purchased on a blockchain. In fact, blockchain-based real estate is already gaining popularity as a way for buyers, sellers and investors to interact with each other and learn about properties.  
But why is blockchain making such an impact in the real estate industry globally? One of the main critical success factor from blockchain is Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), and its ability to be fully transparent which helps to increase trust in the community of real estate buyers, sellers and investors. And in real-estate, while the present trust value is demonstrated imperatively through a website, or a reliable agent. Blockchain add value to real estate industry by expediting its contract processes, helps to save time and reduces costs especially for the buyers.

written by: Stervey Lim



Let us explore what are the latest technology that is impacting the Real Estate Industry……
In 2017, research has shown that investments in real estate technology has reached an all-time high of nearly US$13 billion.  We are talking about real estate technology that can include anything and everything from hardware to software tools used by real estate- managers, brokers, owners, or consumers to collect, evaluate, and distribute valuable data about the industry.

1. Automation tools

Real estate agencies are responsible for gathering and analysing property data, which can be a time-consuming task. They spend too much time on data collection and little time to analyse the data in order to advise consumers, or to generate leads, and ultimately data to close deals.  Automation tools can help to free up a significant amount of time and it’s a powerful way to help agents and their clients eliminate unnecessary back-and-forth decision making. At the same time, it also helps real estate agents in social marketing efforts, ads, emails, and text messages to leads all while they are out meeting with clients in-person.

2. Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world that are now connected to the Internet and collecting and sharing data. In the real estate industry, property managers and owners are using IoT devices to monitor and control certain aspects of a property and its surroundings, such as temperature, air quality, lighting levels, security systems, fire systems, on homeowners. This means that IoT devices can help to provide insights on homeowner / occupant behaviour, energy usage, and allow them to be more proactive about property maintenance and repair.

3. AR and VR

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology are not new to the real estate industry.     AR applications in real estate range can be simple to game-changing deployment from advertising to home tours. As a matter of fact, by 2025, both VR and AR market in real estate is expected to reach at least US$80 billion. Currently, there are AR applications that allow property owners to visualise how furniture and furnishings will appear in real-time, or already giving buyers virtual tours of properties, which is extremely helpful for out-of-town buyers. People can actually experience what it’s like to walk into the property for themselves, without the need to travel.

4. Blockchain

A blockchain is a digital, public ledger that records transactions in a verifiable manner using cryptographic security features, eliminating the need for a third-party recordkeeper. Blockchain technology is the backbone of digital currencies, such as bitcoin, and has a number of potential use cases in the real estate industry. Beyond facilitating property transactions, blockchain technology could be a valuable solution to fraud issues in the industry, specifically in developing countries where real estate and land record fraud is more prevalent. Earlier this year, in the USA, one of the New York-based Magnum Real Estate announced that they would begin accepting bitcoin for property purchases. And, one of their Manhattan properties was paid for entirely in cryptocurrency shortly after the announcement. 

New technology for a new age

While the technologies mentioned above are certainly changing the real estate industry, this list is not exhaustive. As the industry moves into the digital age, innovative resources and platforms are emerging all of the time to help property buyers and sellers alike. The key will be encouraging the adoption of these new technologies so that all stakeholders can benefit from more accurate information, and ultimately, make more informed, lucrative decisions. 

written by: Stervey Lim



Before we share “What is MPV to you as a HomeBuyer?”, let us build a general opinionated approach to the profile of HomeBuyer in today’s context.  

In general, there are three main category of home buyer in today’s market :- 
First Time Buyers and those in rented space. 
Second Time Buyers who are funding the purchase of  their dream home with cash from the sale of their previous home. 
* Buyers who are buying outright using cash, often they are Investors. 


Yet, within these three main categories of homebuyers, there are 5 distinct profile which we can identify to understand how they are impacting the real estate industry and market globally in today’s 21st Digital Century ………..
These groups have been candidly and colourfully named and identified as: 
i)              “Wannabe Newcomers”;
ii)             “Have Been There, Have Done That”;
iii)           “Experienced Marathon Runners”; 
iv)            “Vogue Aficionados”; & 
v)             “Wait and See”.

“Wannabe Newcomers” are those home buyers that buy out of fear and afraid of being left behind…. if they don't immediately get a foot on the property ladder. They possess a strong desire to own their own home and in general are optimistic about the property market and their investment within it. However, they do consult with family and friends before making a purchase and do their research through the media before committing themselves to buying.

"Have Been There, Have Done That" home buyers who have bought and sold before and use their own past experiences to shape their purchases. Many of this group believe that prices could fall, but counter that threat by believing that owning their own piece of property is more important than making financial gains.

“Experienced Marathon Runners” who are investing in property for long-term financial gain. This group of home owners is most likely to be looking at buying property for pension purposes i.e. taking the capital gain once they retire to fund their lifestyle. They will take their time deciding over purchases and are less likely to be swayed by media stories of boom or bust.

“Vogue Aficionados” home owners, however, are most likely to believe in media reports about the future of the market and will invest if they see others doing the same. They are trend followers as opposed to trend setters, and they are the least most abundant of the five groups.

Finally the “Wait and See” home owners are usually waiting on the side-line of the property game. If they see prices fall, they will make a move as they believe that the long-term trend is always upwards but want to maximise their short-term gains at the same time.

The above honest and yet candid profiling of home buyers, like you and me, is to focus on how we decide to purchase residential properties, but stopped short of examining what motivates people to acquire additional properties such as or why they opt to enter the 'buy-to-let' market. This discussion solely examines on how people consider residential property purchase and how they form their expectations of future house price movements. It suggests that those buying property give great consideration to a range of factors and enter the housing market with their eyes wide open.

What is MPV to Homebuyers?

MPV’s (Master Property Value) Vision is to bring new value into the real estate industry, helping more people to easily participate in buying or investing in properties through a revolutionary digital platform that opens up a whole new world in real estate investment.  Whilst MPV’s Mission is to provide a digital asset platform built on blockchain technology that connects more people with quality real estate from around the world, so that everyone has the opportunity to own real estate with ease.
What this mean is that MPV is using blockchain technology implementation to bring innovative solutions to help homeowners to soothe numerous pains and challenges of the real estate. And once there is a mass adoption of new blockchain technology, it will only move the real estate market to the next level in the near future.

Different Homebuyers profile will have different perspective of pains and challenges. Nonetheless, MPV is able to address these different homebuyers profile accordingly through the following advantages:

#1 - Faster transactions and fraud mitigation

MPV uses blockchain to create, authenticate and audit contracts in real-time, across the world and without intervention from intermediaries through smart contract. With the blockchain, all the real estate deals — be it rent or sale — have digitally signed agreements. Smart contracts contain terms rooted in the transaction so that payment can only be taken as long as the contractual terms are met. MPV emphasizes that “Smart contracts eliminate the need for manual work and conditions and It is not only to improve the efficiency of operations but also to prevent unforeseen circumstances”- meaning that once the property transaction deal terms are embedded in the smart contract they become immutable. This means MPV is offering security and confidence to homebuyers. 

#2 - Increased liquidity due to tokenization

Tokenization of real estate will enable buyers to buy fractions in properties worldwide. Therefore, we expect that with tokenization, owners of the expensive property will be able to quickly sell their assets free of “urgency” premium.  For smaller investors, tokenization will see the opportunity to diversify their global real estate portfolio with a small ticket. Thus, the blockchain-enabled primary issuance of real estate will add liquidity in the intrinsically illiquid market, yet, easing the access for best-in-class real estate sponsors worldwide. 

#3. Land titles transfers

The blockchain technology has the potential to substantially cut the traditionally lengthy process of recording and transferring titles, with the added transparency. With the implementation of the distributed ledger, the ownership transfer and record will be operated digitally. The benefits of this are already recognized by national authorities worldwide and more and more governments are looking to implement the blockchain deed. MPV has full support from the Malaysia Government. As a matter of fact, there are three licenses being offered by Malaysian Government to MPV to legalize the blockchain technology platform in Freehold Properties Projects. To the homebuyers, this means that all purchases or agreement to purchase from the freehold development from MPV is 100% legitimate.

#4 - Elimination of intermediaries

Agents, appraisers, notaries — transactions in real estate are usually associated with the whole bunch of intermediaries. Using blockchain, the overwhelming part of them can be eliminated. This will allow to substantially eradicate the fees and charges that would normally go to intermediaries. Almost fifty percent of the price of the property when selling or buying can result in significant cost and time savings.  
To homebuyers, MPV is able to offer cost savings when purchasing a Freehold Property.

written by: Stervey Lim


2020 年隔夜政策利率 (OPR) 降至 2.75% ,如何影响房地产市场? OPR 到底 是 什么 ? 国家银行于 2019 年 5 月 7 日正式宣布隔夜政策利率( Overnight Policy Rate – OPR )下调 0.25% ,从原本 3...